Mountain Fishing Post

I'm sharing this rambling adventure with my brother who was having better luck sleeping. So, while he rested, I hiked the 100 yards to Sherd Lake with my spin pole.
An hour of casting proved fruitless so I went back to camp. We gathered our day packs and hiked up higher to Ringbone Lake. The trails are very heavily used which means rocky and dusty here. But they are easy to follow.
The fish were very active and I caught a couple dozen on dry flies before we climbed over a rocky ledge to Long Lake. It looked very promising but nothing was biting. (I may have the lake names reversed since its hard to tell on my map)
A brief rain, hail, thunder storm passed through for a little excitement. The rain and hail made a cool music on the lake surface. Then, we hiked back down to camp.
With still a few hours of daylight left, I fished up Oliver Creek near our campsite with good success.
I caught brook and cutthroat trout, plus something that had fin coloring of a brookie but large black mottles on the body and a more golden color. Can you identify this fish?
To bed at dark with tomorrow's plans up for grabs. We might fish here or move on.
Posted: 17:38 07-23-2021 1563
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All Comments:
Nov 05, 2023 - Fly fisher
That looks like a tiger trout - cross between a brook and brown trout.
Nov 05, 2023 - Hiking Dude
@Fly - I believe you are correct. After a little research, that
is the same conclusion I came to.
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