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Day 5 - Rain Rain Go Away
I walked 26026 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 12 miles today.
Another fairly short day to reach Cascade River State Park where I'm supposed to meet Bryan tonite. We'll hike together until Sunday when he has to return to school. Larry and I hiked together to the park then he went on ahead. I expect Bryan and I will find him on the trail since he's stopping to fish tomorrow.
Five days have seen lots of ups and downs, animals, forest types, and weather. This pic is the shore of Lake Superior this evening after an hour of rain just passed through. I spent that time huddled under a cedar tree :-). It's now clearing a little to the south so my fingers are crossed.
Last night, it cleared at sunset but then came right back raining for 5 hours during the night. Better then while hiking.
My arm warmers from Northern Star Council have been a useful idea the past couple days.
Hopefully, my online map is updating regularly but with the thick forest I expect some pings get lost - Check out my current location on the map.
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Posted: 09/20/2012
Posted: 09/20/2012
Day 6 - New Hiker
I walked 40700 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 17 miles today.
Terrific day on the trail with a new hiking buddy. Bryan finally arrived at Cascade River State Park at 1:15AM! We got him set up and slept until about 7 or so. We got hiking before 8am with very cold wind and threatening sky.
There were 3 or 4 periods of rain through the day, one so persistent we waited it out under a pine tree. In the afternoon, weather improved and tonight is cool and calm so far.
Bryan did an excellent job hiking! We did 17 miles in rough weather with a lot of elevation gain. Tonight, we're on top of Mystery Mountain by Lutsen ski area. We had a campfire but there's no view. Our food bags are hung and hoping for dry winds - contrary to the last forecast we got.
Some amazing views today! This pic is of the Poplar River from a cliff overlook west of Agnes Lake - one of my favs so far. We've finally hit some great fall colors and some vistas are ablaze in yellow, orange, and red.
No animals today, but we did find Larry at Agnes Lake where I hope he's having luck catching fish on his new tankera fly pole. Haven't seen Pilgrim so he's probably down the trail. Did meet Gray Ghost doing a NOBO with a buddy - he's an avid hiker with journals online.
Bryan brought my replacement dirty water bag for filter so I'm good there, too. Everything's looking good at the end of a long day on the trail.
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Posted: 09/21/2012
Posted: 09/21/2012
Day 7 - Weighing Options
I walked 42890 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 17 miles today.
Wild day of options and changes today. At the end of the day, I've wound up in Duluth for a zero day - never expected that one!
We started at Mystery Mountain after a night of rain and hiked through cold, windy, rainy morning - not lots of fun but some wonderful views from hipoints over the continually more coloful sea of fall trees. The rain hounded us through the day as we covered miles and Bryan decided he'd cut his trek a day short. That meant we'd camp at Temperance River S.P. And he'd get a ride back up to Cascade River in the am. As we hiked on, I contemplated our options. As long as he's done, he could get a ride this evening and skip a forecast wet cold (28 degree) night in the tent. When we reached the S.P., there was only 1 campspot left and a line of 3 people behind us. So, we took the site, went outside and discussed things.
We'd need to arrange a ride in order for Bryan to get his car. As we were talking, Andrew who works at th park walked by. I said HI and we chatted a bit and let him know we were figuring out how to get upshore a ways. He was heading that way at 7pm and offered a ride! Now Bryan was set with a free ride and I had a site to myself. Not looking forward to another wet night, with a forecast of snow on Saturday, we decided to give up the campsite and both head to Duluth. I would figure out a ride back to Temperance on Sunday after the cold and wet blew through.
So, a long day of hiking topped off with a drive to town has me relaxing for a day. I've been told taking a day off each week is a good idea anyway.
What I learned from the day is to gather all your options, make a decision, but continue to look for improvements and further options. Otherwise, you may make a quick choice and miss out on a better solution that just took a bit more thinking.
This pic is fromthe tiptop of Carlton Peak just north of Temperance River on the SHT. It is the highest spot around and you can see at least 20 miles.
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Posted: 09/22/2012
Posted: 09/22/2012
Day 8 - Zero Day
Zero day in Duluth was a great rest. I caught up on site comments and email, washed me and clothes, and rested the legs. I'm ready to get back on the trail tomorrow morning.
Bryan will drive me back and then head home. It was great spending a couple days with him and sharing skills, advice, and views on life. The weather wasn't great but he weathered it :-) in good spirits. Hopefully, we'll get to hike again.
Now, I'm looking forward to meeting new folks on the trail over the next week until I arrive right back here next Sunday - if all goes well.
There's still time for you to start your ScoutStrong PALA program while I'm hiking, or join me for a day or two - Check out my current location on the map.
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Posted: 09/22/2012
Posted: 09/22/2012
Day 9 - Good Day, Bad Mistake
I walked 52319 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 25 miles today.
After a rest day and on a very nice trail, I'm making lots of miles today. Unfortunately, I left my camera battery in Duluth so I'll only have a few phone pics for the rest of the trip. I've been asking everyone I meet today if they have a Sony digital, but no luck so far.
What a simply beautiful fall day along the North Shore!
I reached Aspen Knob campsite and am all alone with a couple crazy rabbits running around the site. Talked to 11 backpackers today and 3 of them were Eagle scouts. Nice meal of scampi flavored noodles and herb/garlic tuna - and a Snickers for dessert! It's supposed to freeze tonight but I'm toasty in my quilt and down jacket so far.
My friend from Foley Mansfield may join me on trail for a day or two.
Day 10 - Practically Perfect
I walked 48240 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 23 miles today.
If you checked my travels today, you may have noticed the trail left the shore for some miles. I passed by beautiful Egge and Sonju lakes as well as a very impressive active beaver pond. There were a few serious UPs today, with Section 13 and Sawmill Dome being the best with great views. This pic is from Section 13.
I'm very fortunate to have this wonderful stretch of trail through such magnificent wilds, all so close to home. It is an easy trail to plan a 2 or 4 day trek on or just dayhikes too.
Ready for another cozy dry nite under my quilt!
Met a bunch of hikers today but none had a Sony battery :-)
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Posted: 09/25/2012
Posted: 09/25/2012
Good Morning on the Trail
Gooooood morning, America!
I'm sitting here eating my poptart in the chilly 35 degrees watching the sun rise over Lake Superior. It's days like these that let you know life is good.
I expect to cover 25 or more miles today. Next stop is to wash up at Tettegouche S.P. Followed by lots of hiking.
If you're bored at work, see where I'm at - Check out my current location on the map.
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Posted: 09/25/2012
Posted: 09/25/2012
Day 11 - Trail Magic
I walked 42384 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 19 miles today.
Lots of steps/mile today. This was probably the most uppity downity part of the trail around Tettegouche S.P. But, there were some terrific views - Bear and Bean Lakes, Mt. Trudee, Baptism River. This is me crosssing the suspension bridge above High Falls over the Baptism early this morning.
Amazing surprise today - Trail Magic! A note to me was pinned to a root in the trail - an offer to stay at a local cabin tonite. I called and arranged for Jeff to pick me up at a trailhead. It was sooo wonderful to share the evening with Jeff and Mary Anne, and their friend. It was a good way for me to recall that I've experienced a lot over the past few days and meet wonderful neighbors!
Remember to do something nice for someone each day.
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Posted: 09/25/2012
Posted: 09/25/2012
Day 12 - Marathon Day
I walked 57322 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 28 miles today.
This is the Split Rock River trail bridge.
My first marathon day this trek - over 26 miles. The trail really leveled out south of Beaver Bay so I covered ground. I think Mary Anne's great porridge and cantalope helped!
I crossed the Split Rock and Gooseberry rivers which were both low. Most creeks are completely dry now. The beavers are busy rebuilding dams on the Gooseberry after this spring's flood, but I saw none. I did have another dozen grouse explode along the trail today and nearly squished two more garter snakes.
Simply an awesome day with blue sky and every other color on the ground and in the trees.
Keep your eye open for opportunity to help someone. Jeff and Mary Anne inviting a stranger in off the trail was just super! Things like that show we're all in this together.
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Posted: 09/26/2012
Posted: 09/26/2012
Day 13 - Surprise, Surprise
I walked 64380 steps on the trail today.
I traveled about 34 miles today.
A most amazing day on the trail!
I camped at mile 198 last night and am now at mile 232, alone both nights no other campers around - lots of different things contributed to such a big mile day. I got an early start just as it got light before 7am, the general terrain was flat, the trail in good shape, cool dry weather, very few people on the trail to chat with, and my legs felt great. There was no real reason to go far but I just kept going.
I met two guys out backpacking with no real destination - just hiking here and there. Then, I met Dan's crew doing trail work - that's the pic. Dan's in Scouts in Two Harbors and volunteers for the trail. His son built a campsite for his Eagle project and I get to see it tomorrow.
Dan recognized me as the guy hiking for the ScoutStrong program so I'm sending his troop a Scout Shop gift card.
I thanked his gang for making the trail, but I hope they realize how much their work really is appeciated.
I saw a few grouse, some garter snakes, and four deer along Silver Creek. I learned that river means water and creek means dirt at this time of year. There are long stretches that are dry now. I saw a very impressive beaver ponf and lodge but still no beaver.
But all that is not nearly the most interesting thing to happen today, not by a long shot....
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Posted: 09/28/2012
Posted: 09/28/2012
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Feb 13, 2020 - Jason Berklund
Hey hiking dude I have several questions planning my first north to south trip
from 270 all the way down. I kind a know what to wear what to eat all that
important jive. I am in relatively good shape definitely Not concerned about
where in tear. 45 years old going with a 21-year-old nephew. My question is
I have friends in Duluth that I don’t want to burden with driving me what’s the
best way to get up to otter Lake Road that’s not gonna cost a crap ton. We
were thinking 15 miles a day. We were also thinking hammocks. Let me
know what you think please. I have read so much and look at so much and
heard so many opinions but You seem to be very realistic on your
comments. Thank you
Feb 13, 2020 - Hiking Dude
@Jason - Hammocks work fine - most campsites have lots of trees.
15MPD is realistic, and you'll probably do more than that many
Getting to the northern terminus is expensive (in my mind). If you can schedule correctly, Arrowhead Transit is cheapest to Grand Marais, but then Harriet Quarles is the only shuttle I know of. You might find a good ol' boy in Grand Marais willing to drive you the 35 miles to the end for a few $$$.
It's a 3 hour drive from Duluth - that's 6 hours and 300 miles round-trip. Maybe your friend would like to drive up the north shore for a day.
Getting to the northern terminus is expensive (in my mind). If you can schedule correctly, Arrowhead Transit is cheapest to Grand Marais, but then Harriet Quarles is the only shuttle I know of. You might find a good ol' boy in Grand Marais willing to drive you the 35 miles to the end for a few $$$.
It's a 3 hour drive from Duluth - that's 6 hours and 300 miles round-trip. Maybe your friend would like to drive up the north shore for a day.
Feb 04, 2024 - John
Me and my fiance are going to Costa Rica for our honeymoon and we
are so excited!
May 02, 2024 - Zeke Mead
Has anyone cycled this Camiño? Sounds like the trail is a road
and if trucks are able to do it, maybe bikes too?
May 03, 2024 - Hiking Dude
@Zeke - Someone could certainly bike part of the Camino de Costa
Rica, but other parts are simple trail that would not be passable
by bike.
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