Arizona Trail

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AZ Trail Passages are drawn in alternating BLUE and RED lines.
The track from my satellite tracking device is the BLACK line.
Open KMZ File (200KB) in separate Google Earth viewer.
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Hike On: Arizona Trail Info
All Comments:
Jan 21, 2022 - Wolf
The Black Hills Segment on the provided kml file seems incorrect: follows a straight gas line and not the AZ trail. Can you please confirm it is not correct?
Jan 21, 2022 - Hiking Dude
@Wolf - Yeah, that was the AZT map data from 2012 (10 years ago).
The black line is my hike path which pretty much follows the AZT
path as it is currently laid out in that section.
Sep 09, 2024 - TJ Hiker
Do you know where I could find a map of where hiker boxes
are to stash/cache water?
Oct 02, 2024 - Hiking Dude
The official AZT maps had water sources marked when I hiked the
trail, but there were only a couple caches and they were not
marked. Newer versions of the maps may have the additional
caches marked since there are so many more, but I don't know.
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