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Apr 21, 2012 - Chris Osborn
The "Dude" abides, we crossed trails at Bismarck Lake, bearing toward Moqui Stage Route, Lockwood, open wild terrain. The names Chris Osborn, 23 over 14k summits in Colorado, several Himalayan traverses, Frisco Peaks ,Az, dozens of summits. Happy Trails Dude!
Aug 21, 2012 - craig
I'm interested in becoming a financial supporter of your site. Could you contact me via email when you have a moment. Thanks. Also, you have a great site! I love the content
Sep 04, 2017 - brad cornwell
Paul; inspiring to see you follow your passions and to live them out. Great to catch up over
a rest day meal, find some ice as you can. The olympics await! just stay away from the
goats! Brad
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