Chequamegon Post

I traveled about 30 miles today.
All but the first 5 miles today were covered inside the Chequamegon national forest. I believe this is the first national forest we've passed through, and we'll have another 17 miles tomorrow before we emerge.
The name is pronounced she-WAM-a-gun (wam from wigwam). Buzz told us a story about how to remember it. Each spring, the Indian chief would decide when the waters were warm enough for bathing. He would put his toe in every morning and, when it was finally ok, he'd say 'She warm again'. That's the short version. :-)
Anyway, we hiked around the Mondeaux Flowage and had a terrific pizza made by Steve at the Mondeaux Lodge. Don't get the 16-inch, you'll never finish it! Steve was great to visit with and has a register to sign.
We hiked the top ridge of the Mondeaux Esker and Hemlock Esker - very neat.
We met two backpackers on the trail out for a few days. BIG packs.
When we reached a primitive camp site where we wanted to stay, we found it packed full with some outdoors wilderness camp group. So, we're down the trail a bit. And, after a long zfternoon of rain, it's trying one more time to get us wet. Tomorrow is to be dry, clear, and cool - according to the infallible weatherman!
I'm looking forward to a great day of hiking. Untortunately, having my feet and socks soaked all day has worn some skin raw. We'll see what the morning brings.
Posted: 19:45 09-19-2013 1052
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All Comments:
Sep 20, 2013 - Dave
Very inspired & impressed with your Trek. Actually reported on your venture at our council meeting last night. The local paper would like to do a story about it. I'm not sure when you will reach Cornell but would be happy to arrange it. Contact info is Courier/Sentinel cornellcourier@centurytel.net
715/239-6688 contact John Marder
Great Job & Good Luck!
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