Hitchhiker Post

I traveled about 26.5 miles today.
There appear to be two camps of people when it comes to 'Ticks'. One group says they are only out in spring and summer with nothing to worry about in the fall. The other group says deer ticks can also be encountered in fall. After today's hike, guess what group I'm in?
Here's the blurry pic of the little hitchhiker Papa Bear tweezed off my back where it had been warm all afternoon under my pack. I've had dozens of wood ticks but this is my first ever deer tick! I don't think he was biting in long enough to cause trouble but I'll keep an eye out for any strange symptoms next week.
Besides this pest, the hike was great today - clear blue sky above colorful trees buffeted by strong breezes. Leaves falling around us all day in the sun made a perfect fall hiking day.
The trail was pretty good. We hit one swamped over area of trail and threw down a few logs. There were a few strangely blazed spots that we figured out. We also did a short roadwalk at the end of the day. When we came out of the woods on County E there was absolutely no indication of where to go. No entry point across the road, nor arrows, blazes, or notes pointing north or south. So, we roadwalked around the section, adding a mile or so. Looking on the IATA website, we should have gone north to find the new trail.
Checking weather, looks like our final day on Saturday will be wet and windy. :-)
Posted: 21:02 09-26-2013 1062
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All Comments:
Sep 26, 2013 - Brother Ed
Not all ticks are infected, and studies of infected deer ticks have shown that they begin transmitting Lyme disease an average of 36 to 48 hours after attachment.Therefore, your chances of contracting Limes Disease are greatly reduced if you remove a tick within the first 48 hours. Remember, too, that nearly all of early diagnosed Lyme disease cases are easily treated and cured...Generally, if you discover a deer tick attached to your skin that has not yet become engorged, it has not been there long enough to transmit the Limes Disease spirochete. Nevertheless, it is advisable to be alert in case any symptoms do appear; a red rash (especially surrounding the tick bite), flu-like symptoms, or joint pains in the first month following any deer tick bite could signal the onset of Limes Disease. ~ from American Lyme Disease Foundation web site
Sep 26, 2013 - Greg
I'am glad you should have good weather tomorrow.want to say thank you for your blog.Its been fun following you and papa bear on your journey! Be safe Greg
Oct 24, 2013 - Blaise
I live in northwestern WI near where you found this tick. I did some research myself and collected over 1000 ticks off of myself during a 2 year period. I only found 1 tick during the months of March and August. I found about 95% of the ticks during late April through early July (and none in November through February). You can certainly find ticks in the fall. In fact, on warm days (>50 degrees) in October you can easily find ticks. Since I started applying permethrin to my clothes, I hardly find any ticks anymore.
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