Meeting People Post

I could tell you all about the horrendous rain and wind we had all morning across ocean bridges, but I won't. Instead, you can see Josh gazing back longingly towards Robbie's where we had just enjoyed great fish tacos for lunch. Even better than the food was our great chat with our waiter who was quick to share his life stories and plans with us, as well as ask about our trip. Just a great guy Last night at the state park, a young guy that teaches yoga walked by our site and we talked a bit. He had biked through here lady year. When I mentioned we hadn't eaten yet, he insisted we finish his leftover pizza. Tonight, our host drove us to an awesome restaurant so we didn't have to walk the mile. There, Lindsey was so friendly and full of live that we couldn't help but have a wonderful time. The meatballs and pizza helped! After our meal, Lindsey had a cab take us back where we're camping. We've met some wonderful folks here in Florida, these are just a few of them to mention. Our bright orange hats have made is a bit recognizable and known along the Keys. We've had 3 people say that they saw us down the road a day ago and ask about our hike. A handful of others have honked or mentioned or hats as they biked our walked past.
Posted: 20:00 01-06-2016 1231
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