Day 43 - Final Steps Post

I traveled about 28 miles today.
I'm Done!
I reached Utah at 2pm today and PapaBear was waiting to take me to Phoenix - we're on our way now.
I overdid it the past few days and my legs really hurt, but nothing serious. The actual hiking today was fairly easy and the painted desert at the end was beautiful.
If someone from troop 479 reads this, please tell Benjamin M. to take a look.
This pic is of me at the end of the trail holding a solid silver 1961 quarter that Benjamin and his dad gave me for my trip. They said it might come in handy for trading since it is silver. I carried it the whole way and it often reminded me of everyone back home that I would see soon. It will forever remain one of my favorite things I've collected over the years. It's extra special because it was made the year I was born.
Posted: 18:10 04-28-2012 854
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All Comments:
Apr 28, 2012 - Dale Claridge
Congratulations on finishing the trail Paul! What a great trip. I have really enjoyed reading your posts and the various comments from your followers, especially "Brother Ed". Looking forward to seeing you back in EP and hearing more about your trip.
Apr 29, 2012 - Eric Pardyjak
Congratulations Paul! Sounds like an amazing trip.
Apr 29, 2012 - John B
Amazing accomplishment!!! Congratulations on your first National Trail completion.
Apr 29, 2012 - Brother Ed
Congrats on finishing, bum leg and all!!! Very proud of you!!! Can't wait to see all your pics and videos of your trek. And how long is your list of items to add to your pack for your next trek? Is a GPS and some Tiger Balm on that list? :-)
Apr 29, 2012 - Tom Ryan
Congrats... now you can turn around and start walking home. :-)
We are all looking forward to the hiking recap at the roundtable.
Apr 29, 2012 - Jeff Travis
Paul, you rock! Well done, congratulations!
Apr 29, 2012 - Doug Eischens
Congrats on finishing your hike of the Arizona Trail! I'm impressed, 800 miles in 43 days. You're an inspiration to older hikers like me. I owe you a cup of coffee or a beer, whenever you have time. I'm taking off to the Superior Hiking Trail in less than two weeks, and I hope I fare as well as you!
Apr 30, 2012 - wayne
awesome job finishing your trip dude!! I leave for the A.T in 3 weeks.. Super stoked
Apr 30, 2012 - David Lofgreen
Congrats Paul
May 01, 2012 - Hiking Dude
Thanks, everyone. I've had two days to rest here in Tempe (Phoenix) and am feeling ready to start new things. My left lower leg is still very swollen but does not hurt - kind of weird so I'll probably visit the doc when I get home.
It was a great adventure and now I get to share my story with anyone interested in listening, so I will be taking a little time to prepare a short presentation. On my way home tomorrow.
May 01, 2012 - Dan Doenges
Congrats Paul!
28 miles hiking?? 28 miles is a cycling distance!
You've done well.
Dan D.
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