August 17 - We hiked over the highest pass on the trail today, so it's all downhill from here.
The first 3 days were hiking up a long valley and now we'll be hiking down another one until we turn east and climb up a small pass into a different valley. At least the Swedes didn't throw in a bunch of PUDs on this trail.
Another day of on and off rain. We took refuge for 90 minutes in a mountain station to have our lunch and warm up. We meet a guy from Denmark, 2 Swedes, and two sisters from Belgium who are hiking the entire trail. It is over 400km, we're only hiking about 100km.
Just as we were arriving at the mountain station, a helicopter landed and took a woman out of the mountains. The station host said there was no injury, just some crazy argument between two hiking partners and they decided they were done and wanted a ride out. It supposedly cost them over 10,000 euros! That's the story we were told anyway.
The many boardwalks gave way to a few miles of very rocky trail, especially over the pass. We did see a dozen reindeer in the morning on the hillside quite far away.
With rain threatening, we found ourselves approaching Salka Fjallstuga (Salka mountain station). Rather than pressing on and searching for a flat spot, we are talking advantage of a huge area of free camp sites and pit toilets. And, since we stopped it has been raining occasionally so we're dry in our tent.
We hiked about 12.5 miles today.
Next: Kunglseden 2024 - Day 5
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Aug 19, 2024 - Dave Paul
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